Screen Sketch is a fairly simple tool that allows you to mark up your screen. You can save an image of your whiteboard to an image file or use the share button to send it to someone through another app. Place the ruler, draw, and your line will stay snapped to the edge of the ruler. There’s also a virtual ruler you can enable that will allow you to draw a completely straight line. You’ll find options for choosing different styles of writing, from thin pencil to colored pens and thicker highlighters of different colors. Sketchpad is basically just a digital whiteboard. This is entirely optional, and the main purpose of the Sticky Notes app is just for writing notes with a pen or your keyboard. Click or tap the link to view up-to-date details about that flight number. For example, if you jot down a flight number, Sticky Notes will perform character recognition, recognize the flight number, and turn it into a link. When you open Sticky Notes, you’ll be asked if you want to “Enable insights”, which will make Windows use character recognition read your sticky notes and use Bing and Cortana to provide more detailed information. For more detailed, extensive note-taking, you’re probably better off with Microsoft’s OneNote. Sticky Notes is a more lightweight app that’s ideal for quick notes. Use Sticky Notes to jot down notes with a pen (or just type them out with your keyboard) and refer to them later. The three main Windows Ink Workspace apps are provided by Windows and designed to make using your pen easier and faster. RELATED: The Beginner's Guide to OneNote in Windows 10
#Annotate pdf windows 10 pen and ink how to
How to Use Sticky Notes, Sketchpad, and Screen Sketch This gives you a faster way to find pen-enabled apps, like Microsoft’s own Fresh Paint application for digital art. You’ll also see “Suggested” apps from the Windows Store here, and you can click or tap “Get more pen apps” to view a special page on the Windows Store that lists only pen-enabled apps. These shortcut tiles are just another way to find and launch pen-enabled apps without your other installed applications getting in the way. It opens as a sidebar on the right side of your screen and provides quick access to apps like the new Sticky Notes, Sketchpad, and Screen Sketch tools, along with quick shortcut tiles to launch pen-enabled apps you recently used.