If you have a conscience you will feel bad for raiding others.

The report player for cheating, trolling, grieving function does nothing, neither does the block player function. The only good I’ve seen from this game? Some funny YouTube vids of cheaters being trolled by admins. Howerver, those overlords can’t be on all the time and you’ll end up raided anyway. Which might get you few day further than before. Instead of raiding you they just force you into submission to farm for them. The only chance I’ve had… You will occasionally be “visited” by some of these groups. If I’d have know the game was just about murdering people and stealing their stuff I would never have purchased it. I wish I would have known there nothing to protect the beginners and no place for players to just enjoy the game mechanics. Whilst you are stuck trying to start over. Basically the teams just farm solo players, so they can go enjoy the content. People with friends or a team don’t even have to farm on there own. Single player? It will take days of farming and being killed and robbed for your stuff. I’ll put it another way, I’ve been playing, and search for teammates for the last 3 months, I still haven’t even had a chance to experience destroying a chopper or apc, because you have to advance far enough and collect enough advanced mats, weapons, and armor to be able to do so. So, just join a team, right? Wrong! If you attempt to approach another player you’ll just be shot. There are no solo only servers, so no mater where you go or how fast you collect and build, a team with 3 - 8 player will kill you repeatedly and steal all you stuff or even you whole base. First, if you value your time in any way, do not buy this game. Some animals might attack you, or maybe a blue npc if you get to close. Well, I’ve never felt the need to write a negative review for a game, but hey I found one! First the good stuff, the concept of the game is Well, I’ve never felt the need to write a negative review for a game, but hey I found one! First the good stuff, the concept of the game is great, build a base, farm stuff, destroy tanks and choppers for loot. To me, it should be a free-to-play at best. It will quickly decline as people get bored of it. In the end, in its current state, this game won’t keep its player base. Fine concept, but technically it just doesn’t do its job and thus took away any interest from my perspective. If you’re lucky, you (as a team of course – forget about playing this alone) might also find people to cooperate with. The difference here being that there is a build/loot component that can be worked on until the deadline of the server arrives (weekly, monthly), which adds motivation to come back on the game to be as strong as possible compared to others. 100 players on a map and may people kill each other as much as possible. But I guess that’s trendy nowadays, just like a Battle Royale game.

Fine but why? Not any background behind this. What does the player gain at killing the other humans? Stealing loot to build a house/fortress as resistant as possible. The morale of the game isn’t clear either. Depending on your luck, you might get slaughtered when literally being naked (i.e. The essence of the game doesn’t do much better. I even gave games such as Fallout 76 a chance (tenths of hours played), but this one is really too bad technically speaking.
I I insist this is a PS4 version review, and man is it bad! The game looks so ugly, it’s so empty and the frame rate is extremely unstable. I insist this is a PS4 version review, and man is it bad! The game looks so ugly, it’s so empty and the frame rate is extremely unstable.